CRM Clouds

  • Which We can see all type of user.
  • Which we can give the Authority of user(View, Edit, Add, Delete).
  • Change the password.
  • Customer Management
  • Which We Can Create a New Enquiry, view Customer.
  • Modify client status according to Visa Process.
  • Which Follow up, Follow up History, Due Payment, Reciept Function can Perform.
  • Which we can upload custmor documents.
  • Agent Manager
  • Which we can create new agent.
  • View Agent (which we can see all record of agent)
  • Agent payment and agent payment detail
  • Automatic agent commission calculation
  • University Management
  • We can add our university.
  • University commssion can we set
  • We can add course of university.
  • Reports
  • In which we can check Sale Collection Report.
  • We can see Pending Dues Report.
  • We can see Customer Status Reports.
  • Pricing Of CRM Clouds

    9999Per Year


    • 2 User
    • Anuually Based
    • Free Trial Available
    • Clouds Based Solutions
    14,999per year


    • 5 User
    • Anuually Based
    • Free Trial Available
    • Clouds Based Solutions
    24,999per year


    • 8 User
    • Anuually Based
    • Free Trial Available
    • Clouds Based Solutions
    29,999per year


    • 10 Users
    • Anuually Based
    • Free Trial Available
    • Clouds Based Solutions