
  • We can create different types of user.
  • We can set user rights(View,Edit,Add,Delete) as per our requirment.
  • We can create hierarchy of users.
  • Change the password.
  • Lead Management
  • We can(Add,Edit,Delete) leads.
  • We can configure trade india and indiamart leads automatically in our system.
  • Leads will be assigned manually or automatically.
  • We can change lead's status.
  • We can also take follow up of particular lead.
  • Pending follow up alert is also coming in our system.
  • Leads will be shown to the assigned user.
  • E-Mail is also automatically send on status change.
  • Performa Management
  • Performa will be created of won leads.
  • We can create direct performa(who's lead is not created) in our system.
  • In case of direct performa, lead will be auto generated with quote sent status.
  • We can also see summary of performas.
  • We also take pdf print of performa.
  • E-Mail is also automatically send when performa is created.
  • Order Management
  • Order will be generated from performa
  • We can create direct order against any particular lead.
  • We can also see summary of orders.
  • Print of order is also generated.
  • E-Mail is also automatically send when order is created.
  • Production Management
  • If stock against any particular order is not available then order will be shifted toward production section.
  • Production section recieve a pending production list.
  • On behalf of pending production list production section will work on production by creating work order or direct production.
  • After production, production section will add productin in our system.
  • We can also see summary of productions.
  • Production will be start/paused/completed as their requirement.
  • Stock will be added after production complete only.
  • Sale Management
  • Order will be send to sale section when stock is available against any particular order.
  • We can also see summary of sales.
  • we can see Customer Status Reports.
  • We also take pdf print of invoice.
  • E-Mail is also automatically send when sale is created.
  • Dispatch Management
  • Order will be dispatched after sale done.
  • We can also see summary of sale dispatches.
  • We update GR-NO and vehicle detail in dispatch.
  • We also take pdf print of dispatch.
  • E-Mail is also automatically send when dispatch is done.
  • Order will be done after dispatch.
  • Reports
  • In which we can check Sale Collection Report.
  • We can see Pending Dues Report.
  • We can see Customer Status Reports.
  • Pricing Of CRM Clouds

    12,999Per Year


    • 2 User
    • 2000/Orders
    • 2 Warehouses
    19,999per year


    • 3 User
    • 3000/Orders
    • 3 Warehouses
    34,999per year


    • 3 User
    • 5000/Orders
    • 3 Warehouses
    49,999per year


    • 8 Users
    • Unlimited/Orders
    • 5 Warehouses